The Fire Inside You

Wow.  It has been entirely too long since I have taken the time to sit down and craft a blog post.  Life happens, man.  Things have been so busy for me over the last 8 months that I just haven't had taken the time to sit down and put words on paper - or on… Continue reading The Fire Inside You

Universal Language

Over the course of the last three weeks, a few work friends and I have made it our thing to have schwarma and labneh for dinner on Friday nights.  The first time we did it, we called and the place delivered it to the front gate where we went and met them.  Last week we… Continue reading Universal Language

Deployment Chronicles Pt I

Right now, I am staying in a trailer that does not have bathrooms or showers, only rooms.  Before you start to feel too much pity for me, I have access to bathrooms and showers...I just have to walk a ways to get there.  By a ways, I mean 25 yards, maybe?  I don't know how… Continue reading Deployment Chronicles Pt I