Making Cancer Fun

Did you know that every single year 40,000 children will undergo treatment for cancer?  Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among children across the United States.  Those are terrifying, heart-stopping statistics, but what if there was a way to find joy in even the most traumatic experience?  I know - that… Continue reading Making Cancer Fun

Universal Language

Over the course of the last three weeks, a few work friends and I have made it our thing to have schwarma and labneh for dinner on Friday nights.  The first time we did it, we called and the place delivered it to the front gate where we went and met them.  Last week we… Continue reading Universal Language

Emotions on High

In exactly 17 days from today, Bill and I (and Bentley) will begin our journey to Anaheim, California to participate in the long awaited Disney Half Marathon.  I have been waiting for this event since the beginning of February, but today I feel like it set in that I. Am. Running. A. Half. Marathon.  This… Continue reading Emotions on High