I am lucky. The Universe favors me. I deserve good things.

This morning started out hard.

Hard is such an arbitrary word. Everyone has their own version of what is hard, and most times I feel guilty for labeling personal minor inconveniences as hard. But I am writing my own story, and I need to release myself of feeling guilty for thinking some of my daily experiences are hard when there are thousands of people going through harder situations. Damn, how many times am I going to say hard in this blog! Maybe difficult is a more accurate word.

I woke up at 4:45am and told myself I would be up by 5:03am. Weird time choice, I know, but my snoozed alarm goes off every 9 minutes. If you are someone who gets out of the bed the first time your alarm goes off, you are a psychopath. My workout this morning was to do HIIT at my coach’s house from 5:30 – 6:30am and then go to the gym and do my [at least] one mile per day run. As soon as I got out of bed, Bentley started showing signs of having a seizure. This isn’t totally out of the ordinary. He started having seizures in 2018 & we have been managing them ever since. We have him on food that seems to minimize seizures, and we give him CBD. Unfortunately, though – sometimes one slips through [about every 4 – 6 months]. Luckily it wasn’t too bad & it was over pretty quickly. As soon as he started having the seizure, I canceled the morning with my coach. Then, since he seemed fine, I decided to go get my mile in on the treadmill at the gym.

From that point, it was like a landslide & shit was just rolling down hill. The lid on my shaker bottle with pre-workout in it wasn’t closed all the way so when I shook it I spilled it on my car seat. My headphones didn’t connect properly. Bentley had an accident in the house. The trash needed to be taken out. I kept dropping things. I spilled powdered greens all over my counter. It was just one inconvenience after another & frankly I just wanted to scream TO HELL WITH IT & go back to bed. I was really upset. Several minor inconveniences impacted the entire way I started my day, and then from there I was angry and sad and disappointed and…the list of [perceived] negative emotions went on & on.

I believe that when you think negative, you attract negative. After my series of unfortunate events this morning, I decided to get Starbucks and try to turn my day around. I got my coffee & treated myself to a new cup from their new Spring line. Then, I stopped focusing on the negative. I didn’t let the morning’s events lay the course for my entire day. And guess what? It worked. When I stopped focusing on the negative, I stopped experiencing the negative.

After seeing a Tik Tok about receiving good things, and sharing it in our grext, my cousin & sister & I have adopted a mantra about being lucky, deserving good things, and being favored. In life, it is easy to focus on the negative even when the positive is jumping up & down right in front of our faces. It takes an act of consciousness to overlook the negative & know that despite all of the hardships we experience:

We are lucky.

We are favored by the Universe.

We deserve good things.

1 thought on “I am lucky. The Universe favors me. I deserve good things.”

  1. What a cute cup. A great reminder, one I am not good at following myself. I tend to live in the negative. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to witness those seizures though, I would just die. Thank you for the uplifting post and I’m glad your fur baby is ok.


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