Love Your Hair

Over the last several years I have had some serious hair issues. I think it all started when I deployed to Afghanistan in 2014. Although we had functioning water that was hot (thank goodness!), it wasn’t good, quality water that my hair craved. It was hard water which caused my hair to be extremely dry with severe breakage. It seemed like nothing I did gave me a solution I was happy with. I tried everything I could imagine to fix this problem I was having, to no avail. For over three years, my hair suffered greatly. I refused to get it cut because number one: I didn’t want to cut all of my long hair off. And number 2: I didn’t want to believe that I had to cut all of my hair off to have healthy hair. Most of the time (even on days off) my hair was just thrown up on top of my head. Of course, I still blow dried and straightened my hair sometimes on the weekend, but it was such a grueling task that I really had to talk myself up just to fix my hair. I didn’t know what to do so I just dealt with it.

Fast forward to 2017: I deployed again, this time to Qatar. Once again, we had hard water which wasn’t good on my already bad hair. This time it was worse. I even went six months without putting any heat on my hair. I was so committed to not using any heating tools that I didn’t even take my blow drier and straightener with me on this deployment. Shocking, I know! My hair was so bad at this point that, honestly, if it were allowed in the military, I would have put my hair in dreadlocks. I just didn’t want to deal with it at all. When I got back to Colorado, my hair didn’t get better, even with the great water that we have here. I felt defeated. I shouldn’t forget to mention that from 2014 to December 2017 I only washed my hair two or three times a week. Even still it was so hard to brush or comb because it constantly had knots in it.

Just when I finally had enough of this unmanageable hair, I heard about Monat. After the first wash, I was hooked. I noticed an immediate difference in my hair. Besides looking and feeling great, it was much easier to manage and that made me happy because it meant no more knots and tangles that were a nightmare to get through. At the time, I was on vacation in Florida. Everyone knows Florida = humidity and humidity is horrible for us curly headed girls. My hair wasn’t even affected by the humidity at all. It was smooth, and totally free of any kind of frizz.

Because of the great results I had, I decided that I was going to take a chance and become a Market Partner for Monat. That was how strongly I believed in these products. I have been consistently using Monat for almost two months and I am so impressed by the results I have seen in such a short amount of time.

I can finally wash my hair every day without pulling out clumps and clumps of hair from breakage. I can finally brush or comb my hair without feeling like every strand of hair is being ripped from my scalp. And guess what? Just yesterday I realized that it took me half the time blow drying and straightening my hair than it did before I started using Monat.

If you aren’t using Monat yet, why not? I could go on and on about these products, but really, the proof is in the shampoo.


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